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What is the PRINCE2 Practitioner List?

28 Apr 2024 By

A PRINCE2 Practitioner is a project manager who has passed the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination (or the PRINCE2 Re-registration exam) within the past five years. Registered PRINCE2 Practitioners are listed in the APMG PRINCE2 Practitioner list (also known as the Successful Candidate Register), providing an accessible and reliable resource for organizations seeking to employ professionally qualified project management staff.

What is PRINCE2 Practitioner?

PRINCE2 Practitioner is the second tier of the PRINCE2 qualification scheme. Whereas the PRINCE2 Foundation certificate is intended as a basic introduction to the PRINCE2 project management framework, and is suitable for anyone wishing to work in a project environment, the PRINCE2 Practitioner qualification demands an understanding of how the PRINCE2 method should be used on actual projects, and is intended for individuals aspiring to work as project managers.

How can I become a PRINCE2 Practitioner?

PRINCE2 Practitioner training courses typically last between 2 and 5 days. A 5-day training course will include the PRINCE2 Foundation and the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination, and is intended for students with no prior certification in PRINCE2, or who want to refresh their PRINCE2 knowledge and enhance their exam chances. The 2-day PRINCE2 Practitioner course assumes that students have already obtained the PRINCE2 Foundation certificate, and focuses on teaching PRINCE2 Practitioner candidates how to apply and tailor the PRINCE2 method. PRINCE2 Practitioner training is also available through e-learning programs and there is an online PRINCE2 Practitioner examination. However, it is important that e-learning PRINCE2 students select an accredited PRINCE2 training organization, both in order to assure maximum benefit, through accredited PRINCE2 training materials and an accredited PRINCE2 trainer, and because the online PRINCE2 Practitioner exam is only available for students submitted through an accredited PRINCE2 training organization.

What are the benefits of PRINCE2 Practitioner certification?

As well as appearing in the official register of PRINCE2 Practitioners, successful PRINCE2 Practitioner candidates can include ‘Registered PRINCE2 Practitioner’ on their business cards, to indicate their competence and understanding of the PRINCE2 project management framework.